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Established in Turin in 2003, the law firm Avvocati Associati "Molteni - Ropolo - Vallini” is an association of legal professionals who share a similar background as partners in leading Turin law firms, where they gained extensive experience in a variety of fields, including bankruptcy law, banking law, commercial and company law. The partners are supported by highly-qualified associates, allowing the firm to assist clients that require services that relate to civil, commercial and bankruptcy matters, and prompt consulting services mainly for businesses, including assistance with extraordinary transactions, national and international contracts, asset reorganisation, corporate restructuring and credit management and collection. Clients include organisations and companies that are market leaders, operating mainly in the engineering, financial and general services sectors.

Since 2005 some of the firm’s members have worked with the API [a local Entrepreneurs' Association], the Chamber of Commerce of Turin and the Council of the Bar Association of Turin to organise conferences and seminars on company and bankruptcy law, and with the Arbitration Chamber at the local Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture, where some of the partners are listed as arbitrators. The firm has also been appointed by the local Courts to provide legal assistance in judicial insolvency procedures (bankruptcies and extraordinary administration). It also cooperates extensively with other professional organisations to ensure that its clients benefit from a multidisciplinary approach. All partners have been admitted to Turin Bar Association. Professional Liability Insurance provided by Società Reale Mutua Assicurazioni - Turin.


- avv. Cristiana Molteni
- avv. Andrea Allais
- avv. Alessandro Ropolo
- avv. Alice Ferrario
- avv. Luca Massimiliano Vallini
- avv. Giulia Vota